Patchwork #45912

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” This quote of Vincent Van Gogh suits perfectly to my core contributions. Even though they’re not big, yet they ensure to make WordPress even better. Having said that, I just submitted a small patch to ensure that <hr>‘s are shown in full-width instead […]

JavaScript30 – Day 19

In today’s lesson, I learned how to pipe webcam input and manipulate the stream on the fly. In comparison to the other lessons, this lesson required the use of npm. The final code can be found on Day 19 – Webcam Fun. Resources: Array.prototype.forEach() CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage() CanvasRenderingContext2D.getImageData() CanvasRenderingContext2D.putImageData() Document.createElement() Document.querySelector() Document.querySelectorAll() Element.innerHTML Element.setAttribute() EventTarget.addEventListener() HTMLCanvasElement.toDataURL() HTMLVideoElement MediaDevices.getUserMedia() […]

Unpleasant present from Singapore

Due to VISA reasons, I travelled to Singapore last week. I’m afraid that despite the VISA I also got my self a rather unpleasant present. While I haven’t felt well the previous days, today the flu got me good. I spend the entire day in bed having tea and soup. It really sucks being ill […]

JavaScript30 – Day 18

In today’s exercise, I learned how to fetch all video lengths from a site and calculate the total duration of all videos. The exercise was mainly based on the functions map() and ​​reduce(). The final code can be found on Day 18 – Adding Up Times with Reduce. Resources: Array.from() Array.prototype.reduce() Math.floor()  

JavaScript30 – Day 17

Another day, another exercise. Today, how to sort arrays without while ignoring the articles of the corresponding title. The exercise required a combination of replacing, sorting and mapping and the final code can be found on Day 17 – Sort Without Articles. Resources: Array.prototype.join() Array.prototype.sort() String.prototype.replace() String.prototype.trim()

JavaScript30 – Day 16

In today’s exercise, I learned how to create a dynamic mouse shadow. As always, the final code can be found on Day 16 – Mouse Move Shadow. Resources: Document.querySelector() EventTarget.addEventListener() Math.round()

JavaScript30 – Day 15

Today’s lesson covered the secrets of using local storage. I learned how to create a small restaurant booking system, that stores the ordered dishes in the browser’s local storage. The final code can be found on Day 15 – LocalStorage. Resources: Document.querySelector() Element.matches() Event.preventDefault() EventTarget.addEventListener() JSON.parse() JSON.stringify() localStorage.getItem() Storage.setItem()

JavaScript30 – Day 14

In today’s lesson, I’ve learned the difference between copies and references or variables, arrays and objects. The final code can be found on 14 – JavaScript References VS Copying. Resources: Array.prototype.slice() Array.prototype.concat() Object.assign()  

JavaScript30 – Day 13

Another day, another lesson. Today, I’ve learned how to fade in and out images based on scroll interactions. The final code can be found on 13 – Slide in on Scroll. Resources: TBD